Tax day, April 15th 2010 was a big day for America’s cheapskates, gun nuts and bible huggers. It’s funny, at least ironic, that these cohorts of individuals are all the same person. Yes, it was a reason to get out your cheesy flag shirts (ones that would have gotten you arrested in the 60’s for wearing) and old man pants to complain how Barrack Obama has ruined the nation in the year and one half or so that he has been in office. He has been used as the all purpose scapegoat for everything and anything that the bible and gun crowd sees wrong in America. Unfortunately for the sane, these people reek of ignorance and menace and are really something the world doesn’t need at this particular time.
These folks ,the former millenialists of the end of the 20th century , figured out that god wasn’t going to come and rapture their foolish asses away , and have found a new way to annoy and whine their way into the already over run minds of Americans.
They think that we are being over taxed and that the Feds are just wasting our money on social programs and handouts to the immigrants that are here legally and illegally. What you never hear out of these people mouths is that we have utterly wasted trillions of dollars in wars whose whole purpose was to destabilize a region, drive up oil prices as well as to annoy our enemies Russia and China and inhibit their oil deals that they have made with Iran.
I guess America’s cheapskates are happy with the arrangement over there. I suppose the occasional funeral for a local boy or girl, or man or woman, makes them feel all warm and patriotic inside. That those poor unfortunates who were caught in between a strong urge to serve our nation and private sector business interests, that were just way too big to truly grasp, makes this group feel that the America that they were raised on still exists.
They bring a lot to the table this group. They realize that the racial demographic is quickly changing forever and that soon their whole “Birth of a Nation” vision of white protestant supremacy will be a long forgotten past part of American history. It couldn’t come soon enough for this vegetarian I will tell you what. These folks that go to these meetings have some real grievances against our government. So did the people who followed and psychotically propelled National Socialism of the late 1920’s and 1930’s in Germany. In fact, many of the same complaints that the bible and gun crowd in America have echo identically to what the majority of Germans who followed another, but sinister vegetarian. Little Adolf made sure that those Germans were terrified of Stalin’s drooling socialist hordes as well as the pestilential effects of European Jewry. In fact the Nazi’s irrevocably linked these phenomena together for their constituents. If you are really interested in understanding the similarities, please read Sally Marks; The Illusion of Peace: International Relations in Europe, 1918-1933
As Bob Dylan so astutely said so long ago:
From the poverty shacks, he looks from the cracks to the tracks
And the hoof beats pound in his brain
And he’s taught how to walk in a pack
Shoot in the back
With his fist in a clinch
To hang and to lynch
To hide ’neath the hood
To kill with no pain
Like a dog on a chain
He ain’t got no name
But it ain’t him to blame
He’s only a pawn in their game.
Of course, this begs the question whose game and whose money is keeping this game afloat? Who do you think? Who is behind Sara Palin? Who are the interests with all of the money?
Oh And one last thing,Just remember this. You don’t own the Gadsden flag. It belongs to ALL AMERICANS, not just those who are trying to mobilize another masking ideology to subvert the multi cultural democracy that has evolved during the last century. Hitler used German mythos of the Teutonic Knights as a masking ideology to mobilize a fascist racialized agendas. I don’t see much of a difference with the tea party folks really. They hate the same people and probably could be talked into the same things the Germans. Dont Tread on Me, it cuts both ways fella.
New York Times, Great Oil Terminal Building in Russia,9 April 1928, 5; New York Times, Soviets Make Drive for Oil Markets,10,October 1928, 31.; New York Times, Sue Oil Companies for Soviet Seizures,21 June 1931,6; New York Times, Court Here Backs Big Soviet Oil Deal,11 March 1933,23;New York Times, Soviets Make Drive for Oil Markets,10,October 1928,31
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